Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Teaching Tip: Time

As parents, you may be doing this at home unknowingly. It's a good practice.

I usually have an analogue clock (it's known as the 'fake clock' to the children) placed in class for the purpose of telling time. Despite the topic 'Time' will be taught only in the second half of the year, I will start feeding them the time concept gradually by doing it every day from the beginning of the year.

Let's say the children were allocated 15 minutes for a task. The real time shows 2.30 p.m. so I will advance the analogue clock to 2.45 p.m. So the childern will know that when the wall clock (the real thing) shows the same time as the 'fake clock', they have to stop work.

By the time I'm scheduled to teach the topic 'Time', most children would have more than enough practice. You can do the same at home to reinforce this concept.

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